It's advisable to stay away from these sweet, additive-rich meals during this period since they can reduce your white blood cells' capacity to fight infections for several hours.
Among the healthiest vegetables you can consume and a real superfood is broccoli. Several antioxidants including vitamins A, C, and E are abundant in it.
With its three main antioxidant vitamins beta carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E tomatoes are another excellent choice for strengthening the immune system.
Best cooked just slightly, spinach is high in beta carotene, which strengthens our immune system, and vitamin C.
Salmon is a terrific source of protein to help fight a weakened immune system and supplies the body with plenty of immune-boosting omega-3s.
An excellent snack or dinnertime choice, eggs are high in protein, iron, and vitamin A, all of which support immune system function!
As water makes up a large portion of our bodies, remember to drink plenty and maintain your hydration! Try these infused waters rather as sugar-filled fizzy drinks.